Kinetic Pilates is proud to have a strong relationship with International Master and Senior Pilates Instructors.
We regularly have Master and Senior Instructors visit the studio and teach private sessions, teacher's workshops and seminars.
High level Master and Senior Romana's Pilates Instructor Trainers were carefully selected by Romana and/or Sari based on long-term observations of their experience, dedication and prowess as Romana's Pilates instructors.
Sari Mejia-Santo
Level I Master Instructor for Romana's Pilates
Sari is a world renowned First Generation Pilates Elder, as she trained with Joseph Pilates and Principal Instructor Trainer for Romana's Pilates. She is the daughter of the legendary Romana Kryzanowska, who was Joseph Pilates' leading and legendary disciple and chosen protege. At the age of nine, Sari was stricken with rheumatic fever, which caused many physical complications, ultimately requiring a full-body plaster cast to correct damage to her legs and feet. Even though the family was living in Peru at the time, her mother was already an accomplished instructor of the work of Joseph Pilates and was able to help Sari rebuild her strength and get even stronger. Joseph Pilates called Sari a "Pilates Baby”, it is arguable that Sari has been studying Pilates longer than anyone in the world. After moving to NYC as a child, Sari continued her training in Pilates with Joseph and Clara Pilates, as well as her mother. She is first generation teacher and one of the last few Pilates Elders still teaching today who studied directly with Joseph and Clara Pilates. She first embraced Pilates because of what it did for her own body and then she saw what she could do to help others physically and mentally and in her teens she started teaching the work at her mother's side. It was Pilates' work that healed Sari and left her strong, flexible and able to pursue a career as a dancer, and Pilates instructor. After dancing in Europe and the USA, Sari dedicated herself to teaching Pilates and helping her mother train Pilates instructors and has traveled the world for decades teaching, testing and inspiring generations of Pilates Instructors and apprentices.
Together with her mother, Sari formed Romana's Pilates: a company that sets the standard for Pilates instructor training worldwide. Romana's Pilates has dominated the industry for nearly 2 decades producing talented and dedicated instructors who understand the method in the way it was taught by Joseph Pilates and Romana. Romana's Pilates are in high demand all over the world.
Sari's, knowledge and deep understanding of the Pilates system is unrivalled, no one in the world comes close to the exposure she has had to the true Pilates method. She was taught by Joseph and Clara Pilates as a child and continued to work with her mother for over 60 years. She taught beside her mother for decades and has been responsible for teaching and examining, and certifying 1000's of Pilates teachers around the world.
Sari has spent the last 2 decades traveling around the world delivering the work Jo, Clara and her mother taught her as well as being a fixture at the studio in NYC. When not travelling to studios worldwide, she can be found teaching at LifeSpan studio in Manhattan and at Romana's Pilates world headquarters in Ft. Lauderdale Florida with her daughter Daria Pace. Sari teaches with passion and a playful sense of humour, it is an honour to watch her in the studio. She can transform a body with a word or a simple placement of her hand. Sari embodies decades of Pilates experience and expertise—she is a true gift to the Pilates world!
Marjorie Oron: Romana's Pilates Level Ix Instructor Trainer
Master Instructor & Regional Director for Romana's Pilates in Europe
Kinetic Pilates is very proud to have Marjorie as a regular guest at the studio to teach sessions, teacher workshops and help oversee the teacher training programme.
Marjorie is one of a handful of Level Ix Romana's Pilates Instructors in the world. She is certified to give all seminars including advanced and test all levels for the Romana's Pilates Instructor Training Programme. Marjorie is in high demand around the world as she is an immensely knowledgeable, intuitive teacher with an attention to detail and highly trained eye that make her approach to the work unique and inspiring. It is an honour to be taught by Marjorie as her passion for the work and her expertise will guide you to new heights. Not only is Marjorie's skill to give Pilates session unparalleled her amazing ability to present to a group and inspire while challenging and generously giving away her knowledge make her one of Romana's Pilates most popular and most sought after teacher trainers.
Marjorie was a professional dancer and trained at the Rotterdam Dance Academy and went on to dance with the modern jazz dance company "Djazzex". Four years later, she moved to New York to join the world famous classical ballet company "Dance Theatre of Harlem".
During her time in New York she was introduced to Romana and Classical Pilates as she had a serious ankle injury. She studied with Romana to become a Pilates instructor and once certified she opened the first Authentic Pilates studio in Holland in 1994. She continued to study with Romana Kryzanowska for decades and was hand chosen by Romana to start the first Classical Pilates teacher training programme in Europe.
The Pilates Studio in Holland has continued to be a centre for excellence and has become a home for learning of the now many pilates trainers and studios in Europe and the USA. The Pilates Studio in The Hague was the first recognized studio in Europe and had the honour to be opened by and receive the blessing from Romana.
Marjorie's contagious energy, sense of humour, knowledge and undeniable talent make her one of the world's most inspiring teachers.
Javier Perez-Pont: Level Ix Master Instructor Romana's Pilates
Writer and Biographer of Joseph Pilates
Javier is an accomplished Pilates instructor with 25 years of Pilates experience and is author of Hubertus Joseph Pilates: The Biography, and many other books. Javier is in high demand around the world. Javier's knowledge of the method is inspiring and watching him teach is an honour as he maintains the standards taught to him by Romana . He is dedicated to keeping the Pilates Method alive and pays homage to the past, while actively looking to the future and spreads the work both written and practically throughout the world.
Before becoming a Pilates instructor, Javier was a professional dancer for over 15 years and worked as a Soloist and Principal dancer in several highly respected European Companies. In 1994, he discovered the Pilates method and moved to New York to learn directly from the legendary Romana Kryzanowska and her daughter Sari Mejia-Santo. After certifying as a Pilates instructor, Javier remained in New York and taught alongside Romana and Sari for many years continuing to learn and train with his teachers and mentors. In 1999, he returned to Barcelona and opened the first Pilates Studio in Spain.
In 2002, he was made a Level II Romana's Pilates Instructor Trainer and opened the first Pilates Teacher Training Programme in Spain. In 2005, along with Esperanza Aparicio Romero (Level II Romana's Pilates Instructor Trainer) he published “The Authentic Pilates Method, The Art of Control"; which has been a best seller in Spain and throughout Spanish-Speaking America. In 2012 Javier and Esperanza published a collection of seven e-books under the title "Contrology Pilates Physical Culture";, these books are about the Pilates technique and apparatus. Javier and Esperanza's largest and most ambitious book is ";Hubertus Joseph Pilates: The Biography" published in 2013, as was the result of years of detailed research into the life and work of Joseph Pilates. This biography is highly regarded as the best biography of Joseph Pilates available.
Javier was promoted to Level 1x Romana's Pilates instructor in 2017, and teaches and examines throughout the world. He lectures about the biography and his research at Pilates conventions worldwide. Javier is a passionate, inspiring and incredibly talented Pilates teacher. Kinetic Pilates is very lucky and honoured to host Javier at the studio when we can. His expertise, sense of humour and detailed approach to the work make him a remarkable teacher who is truly one of the best!
Jane Poerwoatmodjo
Romana's Pilates Level III Instructor Trainer
Kinetic Pilates is very proud to have Jane as a regular guest at the studio to teach sessions, teacher workshops and help oversee the teacher training programme.
Jane is a Level III Senior Romana's Pilates Instructor Trainer. She began studying Pilates as a professional dancer in Holland with Marjorie Oron. Jane trained as a dancer and dance teacher at the Rotterdam Dance Academy. She went on to dance professionally with Djazzez in Holland and Claude Pilon in Canada. During her time as a dancer she fell in love with the Pilates method and decided to become a Pilates instructor. She trained with Juanita Lopez in Chicago and was certified by Romana Kryzanowska.
Jane continued train under Romana and Marjorie for years and was awarded a Level III Teacher Trainer status by Romana for her dedication and talent as an instructor. Jane's popularity around the world is as a result of her skill of working the Classical Pilates system. She is a nurturing, precise, inspiring teacher who will increase your understanding and love of Pilates. Jane's attention to detail and deep understanding of the work make her an invaluable teacher. She has trained and inspired many generations of Pilates instructors and for over 20 years has been an integral part of the instructor training programme in Holland.
Jane has been an important fixture in the Kinetic Pilates Teacher Training Programme, helping apprentices prepare for the program, giving workshops, presenting the Basic Seminar and testing at the studio. Her wisdom, generosity and passion make her a joy to work with and an wonderfully inspiring teacher. We are very grateful for her dedication to our programme.
Level III Romana's Pilates Instructor Trainer
Regional Director for Romana's Pilates in the Pacific Northwest USA
Kinetic Pilates is very proud to have Lauren as a regular guest at the studio to teach sessions, teacher workshops and help oversee the teacher training programme.
Lauren in a Level III Romana's Pilates Instructor Trainer and Regional Director for Romana's Pilates in the Pacific Northwest and popular presenter on Pilatesology. Lauren has been dedicated to studying the work of Joseph Pilates since 1991 and trained closely with Master Instructors Romana Kryzanowska and Sari Mejia Santo (Grand Master Instructors- Level I) for decades. With almost 25 years of Pilates behind her Lauren is an inspiring and informed teacher whose passion for sharing the work of Pilates is obvious. She regularly hosts workshops with amazing instructors at her studio including Cynthia Lochard, Cynthia Shipley, Jerome Weinberg and Jay Grimes. Her quest to keep learning is what makes her such a great instructor. Lauren is a fun, spirited knowledgeable instructor who will challenge, inspire and deepen your work.
Lauren Stephen is Founder, Director and Co Owner of Pilates Seattle International (PSI). She is a graduate of State University of New York, Buffalo, with a Bachelor of Arts in Theater and Dance. Along with almost two decades of Pilates, Lauren’s resume of movement includes intense equestrian sports, downhill skiing and various dance techniques. She also spent several years as a percussionist, giving her an advantage when helping others to establish a smooth rhythm in their routines. Lauren’s love of dance inspired her to move from New York to Seattle to dance with Shirley Jenkins’ Company, Strong Wind, Wild Horses.
Lauren has been dedicated to studying the work of Joseph Pilates since 1991 after struggling with an acute ligament strain. Her comprehensive training with Master Instructors Romana Kryzanowska and Sari Mejia Santo improved her structural strength and sparked her lifelong passion for Pilates (not to mention healed her injury). When Lauren first met Romana, she was immediately inspired by her energy, vitality and strength. That motivation has been translated into the creation of PSI, three-fold organization (Pilates Exercise, Instructor Certification and Physical Therapy) designed to bring the work of Joseph Pilates to the public.
A Romana’s Pilates Senior Instructor Trainer, Lauren has traveled to Barcelona, London and Sydney and all around the United States, teaching workshops, clients and evaluating aspiring teachers to better prepare them to enter the Instructor Training Program.
Lauren is extremely proud of the flourishing organization she has created at PSI. It’s one that has consistently offered the highest standards of Pilates instruction to clients seven days a week since 1993, that thoroughly prepares the next generation of True Pilates instructors, and that provides Pilates-integrated Physical Therapy for comprehensive recovery from injuries.